Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Melodi Update

The other day was a normal day just like any other. I came home, we fixed dinner, sat down to eat and took stock of where the individual cats were.

Bubby was sleeping on the couch.

Isabelle was on top of the chair.

Melodi was at the back door looking out.

Then mom turned to me and said "where's that spot on her?" Referring to her wound.

So I try to, from across the room, examine her. I didn't see anything. I watch the evening news and finish my meal and pretty soon Melodi's asking to go out (read: pawing at the front door). So when I get up to let her out I examine her more closely. Her "kitty scab" is gone! At that point I wasn't sure where it was (I later found it on the floor of my bedroom).

Before letting her out, I examine the actual wound itself. It's nearly completely healed up!!! The only thing left (besides a patch of super short fur) is a tiny scrape. Kinda like what a human's scratch would look like after their scab had fallen off.

And all this without a $500 vet bill!! Woohoo! I was so relieved when I discovered she was getting back to normal. I swear I almost did cartwheels right there in the living room :)

Now, she's back to her typical self. She always acted fine but from a distance (and even up close) you can't tell there was ever anything wrong with her. She still demands to go outside and now has developed the habit of every time she comes in, she goes right to kitchen and asks for cheese or treats (read: meows endlessly til she gets them).

I swear she's like a two year old child sometimes...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gardening and Dad

I have had such fun gardening lately. Last night I went out intending to just check on my Marigolds (which are doing fabulously) but wound up weeding and extending my garden a bit. It was so narrow when I began it that I barely had room to plant anything. But when I started pulling some grass that the mowers had missed and it began coming out in clumps, I just started extending my garden slightly. It's atleast a bit wider now and my plants will have more room to grow.

The cats enjoyed being outside last night as well.

Saturday I tried going up to my dad's but...he wasn't home. So instead I just left him a card in his mailbox and a message on his VM saying I had dropped by but he wasn't home and inviting him to call me. I haven't heard anything and I KNOW he has the message by now. He never goes on vacation and never takes off work. Today's Tuesday. He should've gotten the message Saturday night or Sunday night at the latest. *sigh* The balls in his court now. Why should I keep trying when he's not even making an effort?

Course, it's been like this for most of my life I guess. Only one of us ever made an effort. When I was a kid he wasn't around much but then again that was mostly my fault. I never wanted to go visit him up there because he pretty much ignored me. He would always be working either at the shop or somewhere around the house. The few times we did spend time together he'd make some insult that he viewed as a joke. I didn't take it as a joke though.

This continued up through my teenage years. And then now, when I actually want a relationship with him he's being a total ass about the whole thing and won't even call me back.

Mom says there must've been a reason I didn't want to go up there when I was a kid. He claims it was because I was a "mama's girl" which I was. My mom and I have always been close. But had he taken time to develop a relationship with me, him and I could've been close too. And I wish that was the case. I know people who have actually lost their father's to illness or just natural causes of death. I feel like I've lost my father even though he's still alive. I'm trying to convince my heart that he's gone for good even though he's a 45 minute drive away.

When you lose someone a grieving process is always required. But knowing he's still alive, in the same city, and close with my brother doesn't make it any easier. It makes it alot harder. I've tried for years now to have a relationship with him but...it never works.

I wonder what Dr. Phil would have to say to us. I know I'm partly at fault, I don't deny that. But he is too. Every single time I talk to him it's always a lecture. I never get the "how are you doing?" or "What's new in your life?". It's always "you need to have 2 full time jobs" or "you shouldn't have sold your car without consulting me first" and things like that. He never points out anything I've done right (course to him I havne't done anything right) and he DOES point out everything I do wrong-which to him is everything.

My mom suggested I write to Dr. Phil. I might just do that. Course I doubt he'd agree to go on the show. I very much doubt it. My dad doesn't cooperate with anything I want to do. Even as a kid. I wanted to go fishing? He always had an excuse not to. I wanted to go swimming? I got the excuse that it cost money to get in the pool and there was too much work to do to take the time for that.

I understand that work has to be done and it's important to do it too. But...there's a place for fun in everyone's life. Life has to be a balance. Too much of one thing can be hazardous.

I'm currently trying to find that balance. I wish he'd do the same thing...

Monday, June 8, 2009


Melodi HAS to have some medical attention. A few weeks ago she came inside from her daily outdoor adventures with a nasty wound. I don't know if I've blogged about this here or not yet. Anyway for awhile it was fine, I thought 'ok maybe this will heal on it's own'. Then it started being not so fine. Her fur quickly became matted down and one time when I picked her up...well lets just say it was like popping a blister. Not so pretty.

So tonight I'm taking her to the nearest vet. I can't let this go anymore and even though I don't have the extra money right now, I'm going to have to afford it somehow if I want to keep my cat healthy. And she is my baby so staying healthy for her is a must.

I'm...a little scared of this. I don't know what they are going to say about her and I know her wound is infected. I can smell it and it's not a pleasant smell. I hope it's nothing too serious and I hope it's not too costly because I'm not made of money. But in my opinion, whatever they have to do to make her well and healthy...I'm willing to do what it takes to be able to afford it. Even if I have to go shovel manure at a local barn.

So anyone that comes across this...can you send prayers and good energy towards Melodi? If something were to be SERIOUSLY wrong with her I'd go insane. As I said before, she is my baby...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pride Month 2009

It's been brought to my attention through my lovely friend Sarah that Obama has declared June 2009 to be LGBT Pride Month. Anyone who knows me and talks to me about this issue will quickly learn (if they haven't already) that I support Gay Rights. Always have always will. Sorry to my family members who think I'm sinning for doing so.

A year ago I began mapping out/working on a story that I titled Legal Love for the time it was in progress until I could find an appropriate title. It's the story of two young women who fall in love with eachother inadvertently. Where the rest of this story will lead I'm not sure, I just have the beginning mapped out so far. Anyway I'm returning to work on this story this month and hopefully will keep with it so I can complete it.

One of the character's mom is a pretty conservative Christian. When she finds out her daughter, Arabella, is in love with another girl she goes A-wall and starts quoting the bible. So in order to actually quote the bible and be able to have Arabella make some convincing arguments against it, I had to do a little research.

One of the most widely used arguments against homosexuals by Christians is the story of Sodom and Gomorra. They claim that the reason for Sodom's destruction was the widespread practice of gay sex. Then someone please explain this passage to me:

Ezekial 16:49-50
"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen."

Not once in there was sex of any kind mentioned. I know some people would point out that 'detestable things' could mean gay sex but don't you think if that was the real reason God would've said 'homosexual sex' or something like that above arrogance and selfishness?

I am not any kind of expert on the bible and do not pretend to be. I have never read it through once and the only reason I actually would is to find these different passages in order to make up rebuttles against them. And I'm actually considering doing that. Getting a copy of the bible, reading it, noting which passages speak DIRECTLY about homosexuality (and other topics) and attempting to research them through the rest of the bible. This would be an ongoing thing of course because it would be no small feat. Especially since there's maybe 3-4 different topics that I want to research but I think it'd be worth it for if these topics ever come up with me and other conservative Christians...which I'm sure they would in the future. Matter of fact I know one will (and no I'm not speaking of homosexuality, though that seems to come up frequently anyway).

Monday, June 1, 2009


It's been an interesting week this past week. I have been totally meat free all week and am trying to limit my milk/egg/cheese...dairy in general consumption. I just don't feel like I should be eating them. I spent a year as a vegetarian before and there's nothing hard about it. You just avoid meat and make sure you get the nutrients you need. I'm going to start taking a daily vitamin me thinks just to make sure I do get the correct nutrients. Nobody gets the right nutrients even if they do eat meat.

Tomorrow I have a job interview. It's not my dream job by any means. Matter of fact, I don't even want to work at the place. I'm not saying it's beneath me it's just not something that would make me happy. All it is is a paycheck at the end of two weeks and a bridge until I find a job that I would enjoy more. That's all it is. If I make a few friends at it, great. If not...well then that's fine too. Truth is like I said though...it is merely a stepping stone as I try to find something that will make me happy.

I have noticed something about this family lately. We are all very distant from eachother and some of us tend to be very uncaring. I'm talking about my mom's side of the family through all this. (Amy, Andrea if you guys read this it DOESN'T include you). Anyway my uncle is...I can't even think of a word for him. He can be the life of the party the happy go lucky, no cares in the world guy. But...you can't believe a word he says. It seems he'd sooner tell you the sky is a lovely shade of green on a perfectly sunny and clear day than actually tell you the truth. He thinks of nobody but himself, rarely asks how we're doing adn just assumes he can stay over at our place whenever he wants. Eats all of our food (though he swears he isn't hungry to begin with) and brings all his problems (which he seems to be swimming in right now) onto the problems we already have.

Then there's my grandma. Tell me how this makes sense: She doesn't want my uncle living with her (he's homeless) but when he said his doctor said he can't live alone she tried to convince us to let him stay with us. Her reasons for her not wanting him to stay with her are legit (he attempted to steal 3 rings from her a few months back) but yet wants to foist him off on us. She's the one with the extra room at her place. Our condo is technically a one bedroom with a den made into a 2 bedroom. And then when she knows there's problems, she doesn't answer the phone. Or takes it off the hook. Then right before she's about to leave she'll put it back on the hook. One day we went over there because we couldn't get ahold of her because she had it off the hook. She was none to pleased to see Kevin on her doorstep.

I'm tired of this family being so distant. I can't say I'm not a hypocrite because I haven't called my dad in 6 months. I have wanted to for the past few weeks but was waiting for Mercury to go direct again. I didn't want anything to mess up the initial conversation because it's going to be hard enough. My dad isn't the nicest but he IS my dad and I would like to talk to him again. I'd like to know how my other grandma is doing, and my brother. Bryan (my brother) is in college and my grandma had a pretty decent case of Alzheimer's/Dementia (can't remember which) last time I talked to him. This will be an interesting phone call though. I hope it goes better than I think it will...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Proposition 8 and Vegetarianism

I've been dealing with a whole lot of family drama lately. I'm not going to go into it but lets just say there's a person who is being very cancerous to this family that needs to take a loooooong hike.

In totally other news, I just recieved an email about the ridiculous Proposition 8 that was passed in CA not too awful long ago that kept same sex couples from marrying eachother. Anyone who knows me and has brought up the issue knows that I very much support same sex marriage. To me: person in love + person in love = love, commitment, etc. There is no reason these people can not pledge to love the other person in front of whatever deity or persons they want to. Anyway in this email was a video or two. One is a 60-second PSA that will be aired on tv (the email says). I have yet to see it but here's the link:


Watch it, it's a very good PSA and won't take but a minute (literally) of your time. I personally don't understand how people can not support gay and lesbian rights. To not support the idea of love, in any way shape or form, is very foreign to me. My family says that in the bible it says it's wrong. I say who cares what a book says? The bible supposedly says too that we're supposed to eat meat and animals yet there are plenty of vegans and vegetarians in the world (even some Christian ones).

And for that argument I must say this: Why would God create people who were compassionate towards animals if we were meant to eat them? And why would meat be so bad for our bodies? Too much red meat is bad for our hearts, undercooked poultry results in food poisoning, fish has high levels of mercury. If a god truly intended for us to eat meat, you'd think it would be healthier for us. And you can't say "Oh, the devil made those people compassionate to animals" because the devil I was raised to believe in would make people more cruel to them rather than want to save them. (And since we're on the topic no I don't believe there is a supreme evil being that tries to manipulate and tempt and tease us).

Back to the topic of Proposition 8: I don't care what state or country you live in, all marriage should be legal if the people so wish to get married. I myself don't want to be married, I don't believe I need the government or a piece of paper to tell me I love someone. Do I want a long term commitment? Yes. Do I want a life partner? Yes. Do I need to stand in a church and have someone else talk to the Christian God in order to get that? No. Neither does anyone else.

You don't always get to pick and choose who you love. You just wind up loving someone. I didn't exactly choose to love Angelo, it just happened. (That's my boyfriend for those of you who don't know). We were talking about anything and everything and one day I was standing in the shower and the realization that I was completely in love with him just smacked me upside the head and nearly made me want to cry. How can someone say that someone who's attracted to people of the same gender, can't feel that kind of emotion? How can you say and KNOW for a fact that someone is just saying they're gay to get attention? I have several gay and bisexual friends, none of them want attention directly brought on them. Well, maybe one but he keeps his sexuality hidden.

Oh and for the record, yes I've gone back to my vegetarian ways. This is starting in a few days after all the meat products in my house are gone. I'm going to do this for several reasons.

1. more compassionate to the animals
2. more compassionate to my own body
3. more compassionate to the environment
4. healthier

I'm not claiming that vegetarianism is better for the environment, it could be IDK for sure. However I do inted to use less toxic products so they don't poison our planet and water so much. This is something everyone should do really. I don't want to be drinking poisoned water simply because it was easier to use a product that polluted the environment and caused too much waste runoff. Do you?

Just added number 4 to that list. The more I think about all this, the more reasons I come up with to do this. This will most likely eventually lead into a Vegan lifestyle. Don't like it? Deal with it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Ya know...I have to say that I am officially happy about not jumping straight from high school into college. When I graduated high school I was kind of mad and upset that all my friends were going away to college and that I was stuck at home finding a 9-5 job. I was mad that I didn't care enough about my grades in my freshman and sophomore year of high school to keep them up so that I could get into a good college.

However the other day it occurred to me that in this time off (it's been 7 years since I graduated high school) I have read alot about a variety of different topics. If I had gone off to college when I first graduated I wouldn't have really had a definite major. Yea, I'd love to study creative writing but on the other hand, other than a few grammar skills, what else do you need to know about writing creatively? I've heard so many artists say that the drawing classes and schools have hindered their creativity instead of inspiring it. I don't want this same thing to happen to me with my creative writing. Yes, it definitely needs polishing and for that I need grammar classes but as far as what I want to say and how I want to say it, I think all one needs is a good grasp of their native language. For me that would be English.

This insight/epiphany occurred to me while I was at Goodwill of all places and stumbled upon a used text book on Ecology. This is a subject that until I read a book by Starhawk, I had barely acknowledged. Then while reading through "The Earth Path" I became interested in Ecology itself and wanted to start reading a bit about it. That was about 2 months ago I'd say. Then a few days ago I find this text book. Sweet! So I've been reading through it and LOVE it. This kind of stuff...is EXACTLY what I've wanted to do. Study the effect of this and that on the other. I've always pictured myself in a field doing research instead of in some laboratory (though some Ecologists do work in labs) or in some stuffy office building.

I have so many interests that jumping straight into college would've been a bad choice for me. Because I wouldn't have known what to study. As I said I would've studied creative writing and I still probably would take a few courses, however I would no longer major in it. I'd definitely major in Ecology and then maybe minor in Geology or something. One of my best friends from high school is studying to become and geologist and I'm finding her work and the things she's studying totally fascinating. Not to mention the fact that I've had an obsession with crystals and rocks since I was a little girl. I used to spend my recess time finding pretty rocks in the gravel that covered the playground =-P

So...I'm going to do a bit more reading on Ecology. I'm atleast going to get through this entire text book before deciding anything for definite. Then, if this is still what I definitely want to do (and it is at the moment) then I'm going to start seriously researching colleges around my area or close to that offer good Ecology programs.

The only subject really that could rival Ecology for me would be Botany. I studied that a bit in high school and absolutely loved it as well. I realize that for this stuff I'm going to need some serious math skills so I better get cracking on that as well. The furthest I got with math in high school was the highest level of Algebra (I don't remember what that was). I should probably start brushing up on that and then start teaching myself higher math. I'm pretty good at teaching myself stuff and I know I can teach myself math, that's pretty much how my Algebra class worked, you taught yourself. So...once through this text book...onto the math...oy vey.